The Talented Release Albums, Part I

As I was away on vacay, a slew of talented artists and newbies came out with new albums. Here they are in chronological release date order…

Track List:

01. 她扔了根火柴(国) (She Threw Away A Match)
02. 月亮说 (Moon Says)
03. 大笨钟 (Bulky Clock)
04. 低科技之歌 (Low Tech Song)
05. I’m Sorry
06. 我不打算流眼泪(国) (I Don’t Plan on Crying – Mandarin)
07. 小团圆 (Little Reunion)
08. 记住 记住 (合唱: 王菀之&常石磊) (Remember Remember – Duet)
09. 粒糖有毒 (Candy Has Poison)
10. 迷失艺术 (Art of Confusion)
11. 月亮事(国) (Moon Business – Mandarin)
12. Mary Had A Little Clock


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